For bird lover´s

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Birdwatching Honduras is a place that provides enthusiast birdwatchers with basic information about the birds at Pico Bonito National Park, which is a natural heritage site of Honduras. It is protected by different institutions that strive for the conservation of the environment, with the goal of hosting your stay at this magnificent bird sanctuary that also has a stunning scenery amid rivers and mountains.

Honduras is a country rich in biodiversity is home to vast areas of tropical rainforest, pine forest, savannas, mangroves and coastal lagoons. Much of the larger forested areas of Honduras have been made into National Parks or Protected Areas over the last 20 years.

This country is home to 740 species of birds that cover 58 families, and they may be more to be found. The wide range of ecosystems found offer something interesting for the amateur and experienced birdwatcher or even the most adventurous ones.

Balam Consultores:

We are a non-profit organization that specializes on the management of the natural and cultural heritage of Honduras, through the implementation of different projects geared towards the conservation of resources in a sustainable way.


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